Good Morning and Portville Panthers!
TODAY is Thursday, May 11th, 2023 It is a “ D “ Day
Next week is our last Spirit Week of the School Year. Check out the flyers posted around the halls to see what the Daily Theme is. As always, students must follow the school dress code. Monday’s theme is “Dress as your favorite Music Genre, Favorite Singer, or Band.”
Counselor applications for our PCS Summer recreation are DUE in the Elementary Office TOMORROW.
TOMORROW IS THE DAY…Don't miss the opportunity to see The Super Mario Bros. Movie….. The bus leaves from school at 3:00PM; a drink and a popcorn are included. Sign-up and grab a permission slip from Mr. Steighner. |
ALSO TOMORROW …. Is the gathering of Gamer’s Club from 2:45 to 5:45 in the High School library. For more information stop by the Technology Office, Room 210.
Attention Urban Air participants!!! Permission slips and waivers need to be turned in to Mr. Mitchell ASAP.
Reminder that Portville will be taking students to a Buffalo Bison’s game on Friday, June 2nd. You can enjoy some food, Baseball, and fireworks. Please sign up outside of Mrs Morella’s room, 201, by May 19th and return the permission slip as soon as possible.
Mrs. Baker and Mrs. VanCuren are STILL looking for artists! If you artistic and would like to win some CASH… please consider submitting an art piece that could be used for next year’s Calendar cover or on the back. It can be done by hand or on the computer. See them for details – deadline is June 1st.
Now for our PCS Spring Sports News: |
Attention Modified Track- today’s meet has a time change. Meet starts at 4:30 in Franklinville and bus leaves at 3:15. Additionally, 8th grade track athletes need to stop in and see Mr. Mitchell today.