Good Morning and Portville Panthers!

 TODAY is Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

It is an “ A “  Day

The Portville School District has announced that barring any unforeseen emergencies over this week, school will be closed this Friday, May 26th, extending the Memorial Day break. 

Reminder to 9th Graders – If you didn’t pick your meat stick fundraiser yesterday, make sure you pick it up today – from the room across the Elementary Office.   

TODAY IS THE after school trip to Miller’s Market.   Come with us to make your very own herb and lettuce garden.  Each participant will receive and arrange their own compostable garden box with your choice of herbs and lettuce plantings.  SEE MRS. NOLDER IF INTERESTED.

 Any girls in grades 7-11 that are interested in participating in Football cheer, please sign up by Mrs. Colligan's office.