Good Morning PCS Panthers…

 TODAY is Thursday, December 7th, 2023.

It is an “ A “  Day


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 3 – Toni

Pd 6- Emilie E

Pd 7 – Maddy F


A reminder to Junior High Chorus officers – please meet right after school in the Auditorium to help with the poinsettias


Operation Santa Paws - Love to Local Shelters!  Anything Dog (or CAT) related is welcome. Woof Woof!

Art Adventures and Art 360 are raising donations for our local shelters!  We are accepting

  • food
  • treats
  • collars
  • leashes
  • Newly or freshly  washed blankets and/or towels


Please drop items in box under tree in HS office…or you can bring to HS Art Room to drop off items.


Here are the Bowling results against Salamanca.


Girls 3-1 and boys 0-4


From Portville

Emma Pinney 447

Kiyah Mohr 450

Milo Backus 314.




Here is your PCS Sports news….


The 7th graders lost a tough game last night against Randolph, 28-26. Scoring for the Panthers were Brecia Sena, Bella Young and Lilly Everett each with 2 points, Kylie Maedl with 4 points, Harley Weatherley with 6 and Lilly Deck with 10 points.

The 8th graders won a close game last night to continue their win streak. They beat Randolph 21-19. Scoring for the Panthers were Arianna Whittaker with 3 points, Izzy Snyder, Marley Ueblhear and Allie Bray each with 4 points and Kaylin Elliott with 6 points. Nice job to both teams.