Good Morning PCS Panthers…

 TODAY is Thursday,  January 25th, 2024.                                  It is a  â€ś C “  Day.


Chous lessons today are:

Pd 6- Mitch

Pd 7- Sam

2:30- Solo Recital for those signed up


The PCS Class of 2024 is sponsoring the Cole All Star Circus this Saturday, January 27th and we NEED volunteers to help work the event.  It is a fundraiser for our class and it is also a great opportunity for community service hours !  If you are interested, please talk to Mr. Matz or Mr. Torrey ASAP!   And for all other students and staff at PCS, please come out and enjoy the circus, tickets are available in the Main Office. 


Students are reminded as stated on the school calendar – Tomorrow is a Half Day of School for all students in both Elementary and Jr.-Sr. High School.  Students in 7th thru 12th grade will follow a ”D” day Bell Schedule and attend 5 classes.   You will attend the following Classes:  Periods 1, 2, 3, 4, and Period 9.  Dismissal will take place at 11:27 a.m.


Now for your PCS Sports News:


Results from last night's match against Franklinville.

4-0, overall 26-26

Milo Backus bowled a 418 series. 

Next match is tomorrow at Good Times.


The men’s volleyball team played Allegany - Limestone last night.  Parker Dornan had 5 kills, 4 digs and 3 aces while Reece Benson added 5 kills and MaxPreps player of the match Brady German had 10 digs and 4 kills

The guys will face off against Wellsville, Friday, home at 6:30.