Good Morning Portville Panthers!

 TODAY IS…Monday, September 30th, 2024

It is an “ A  “  Day


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 3- Alto A’s

Pd 8- Sopranos A’s


A reminder to the music students who still need to turn in their cookie dough orders – please be sure to drop them off TODAY!


9th graders---Don’t forget to return your permissions for the Career Fair TODAY to Mrs. Pascucci in Guidance.


The Student Council will have a meeting on Wednesday in the library during Period X.  The main goal will be the selection of Spirit Week themes.  Please come to the meeting with ideas and with a writing utensil. 


Homecoming tickets are on sale this week and until Thursday, October 10th of next week.  Tickets can be purchased in Mrs. Welty’s room before school, after school, or during lunch periods.  Cost is $12 per person if you purchase by the 10th.  At the dance, the price increases to $15.  The dance will take place in the High School Gym from 8PM to 11PM with the theme, “Golden Hour”. 


Any 11th or 12th grade student interested in attending the Alfred State College field trip, sign up outside your English or History classes.  Deadline to sign up is October 7th.  See Mrs. Pascucci with any questions.


Mrs.  Luther is still  looking for any students in grades 7-12 who would like to tutor elementary students after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 3:45.  If interested come see Mrs. Luther or message her in teams for more information.


For any junior interested in taking the PSAT, signups are being held in the Guidance Office between now and October 2.  In order to sign up, you will need $18.00.  Please bring the exact amount as we do not have change.


Reminder to juniors and seniors:  If you are interested in taking the ASVAB on October 22, please sign up in the guidance office on or before October 7, 2024.  The test is free.


Congratulations to the Monkey Bar challenge in conditioning class overall winners :Elisha Hall and Emily Collins. These two gym rats exhibited enormous strength and determination. Great job to all who participated!