Good Morning Portville Panthers!

TODAY IS…Thursday, November 7th, 2024

It is a “ D ” day.


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 2- make-up lesson for Avalee

Pd 3- Alto D’s

Pd 9- Soprano D’s


The next installment of Culinary Club will be Wednesday, November 13th 2:45-4:30. Remember you need your own transportation. We will be making a Side of Thanksgiving. Don’t delay, signup today!


Now for your PCS Sports News:

Girls Basketball will hold Open Gym TODAY from 3 – 4PM for any girls interested.  This will take place in the North Gym.  The seasons actual start date is Monday, November 18th.

The varsity volleyball team will be playing Falconer at Southwestern High School tonight at 7:30 for the Sectional Final Title. If you would like to watch the game, we will be streaming it in the health room.