Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 It is an “ F ” day.
The next installment of Culinary Club will be TOMORROW, November 13th from 2:45 to 4:30. Remember you need your own transportation. We will be making a Side of Thanksgiving. Please signup today.
Reminder to Seniors: Your cheese orders and money are due today to Mrs. Luce or Mr. Mitchell.
Juniors and Seniors: Reminder to those that signed up for the Pitt Bradford field trip. Permissions are DUE NO LATER than tomorrow, Wednesday, November 13 to Mrs. Pascucci.
The Student Council would like to thank all the students and staff that stepped up last week and donated blood. It was our most successful blood drive in a very long time. We collected 41 units which has the potential to save 123 lives! We will be hosting three more drives throughout the school year. Our next one is Tuesday, January 14th. Please save the date! If you have any questions, you can always reach out to Mrs. Welty.
NOW FOR YOUR PCS SPORTS NEWS: Attention anyone interested in playing JV or Varsity boys basketball this year. There will be 2 open gyms this week: Wednesday 5:30-7 and Friday 4-6. Both open gyms will be in the North Gym.
Girls Basketball will hold Open Gyms this week today, November 12th from 5:30 – 7PM and on Friday, November 15th from 3 – 4PM for any girls interested. These will take place in the North Gym. The seasons actual start date is Monday, November 18th.
In case you’re wondering what the “hex” going on in conditioning, we were at it again with our hex bar deadlift challenge. Congratulations to the following lifters Mat Fahnestock, Emily Collins, David Silsby, The overall winners were Chad Knittle in the heavy class, and Myra Sprout, Ace Hollowell, and Lacey Licht tied for first in the light class. Nice job to all of those who participated!