Good Morning Portville Panthers!

TODAY IS…Friday, November 22nd, 2024

It is a “ B ” day.


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 3- Toni Travis

Pd 5- Alana Gagliardo

Pd 6 – Peyton Inman


Best of luck this weekend to Area All-State Musicians - Abby Gardner, Sam O’Brien and Chris Osgood! They will be representing PCS in the Area All-State Senior High Band at Fredonia.


Reminder that Retake Picture Day is TODAY starting at 7AM for any staff that needs to have their photos taken.  Students will have their retake done during English classes. Please remember to bring back your photo package if you were unhappy with it. Any student that was not photographed in September should also have their picture taken at this time. Any questions, see Mrs. Welty. 


There will be a Drama Club Meeting on Monday, December 2 after school. All members are encouraged to attend if possible. Anyone wanting to join Drama Club should also attend. The meeting should take about an hour. Please make every effort to be there. Auditions for the spring musical, Aladdin Jr.  will be the following day, Tuesday, December 3.