Good Morning Portville Panthers!

TODAY IS…Monday, December 2, 2024

It is an “E” day.


Chorus lessons today are:

Period 3 Toni

Pd 5 Mitch

Pd 6 Josh

Pd 8 Hannah

2:30 Lydia

3:00 Clementine


Attention all band and chorus students. Poinsettia orders and money are due today. Again, all junior high and high school band students: Poinsettia orders are due today. Please see Mr. or Mrs. Archer if you need one more day and you plan to turn your order in tomorrow.    


Reminder to all students attending the BOCES field trip today. You will be eating during 5th period lunch. Once the lunch period has ended you will return to your 5th period class. Please wait for the announcement to come to the main entrance to leave. 


This is a reminder to ALL STUDENT COUNCIL members to read their messages on our TEAMS page.  It is Presents-for-Panthers time and there are many members who have not brought in required items or stopped to see Mrs. Welty to grab a card.  Once again, ALL STUDENT COUNCIL members should be reading their messages on TEAMS page.  Thank you.


There will be a Drama Club Meeting TODAY after school. All members are encouraged to attend if possible. Anyone wanting to join Drama Club should also attend. The meeting should take about an hour. Please make every effort to be there. Auditions for the spring musical, Aladdin Jr. will be TOMORROW.