Good Morning Portville Panthers!



Thursday, December 12th, 2024

It is an “ A ” day.


Attention Culinary Clubbers- Culinary Club has been rescheduled for next Wednesday, December 18th.


This is a reminder for all Student Council members to get your Presents-4-Panthers gifts delivered to Mrs. Welty’s room by TOMORROW.


If you are interested in becoming a lifeguard, a class will be starting in January. Sign-ups are outside Mrs. Colligan's office.  More information will be provided after you sign up. Any questions, see Mrs. Colligan, Mr. Gnan or Mrs. Luce. 


Now for your PCS Sports News:

Boys 7th and 8th grade modified Basketball sign ups are still going on in Mr. Brennan’s room.  Stop up to room 224 before or after school to sign up.”


The boys volleyball team played Fillmore last night winning the match 3-1.  Colin German ran the offense with 58 assists, 4 kills, & 2 blocks.  Brady German had 25 digs and 13 kills while Chase Armstrong added 12 kills & 3 blocks and  Parker Keim 3 aces, 2 kills. Player of the match Abe Cook had a team high 26 digs, 13 kills and 7 aces. The team is now 2 & 0 on the season.