Good Morning Portville Panthers!

 TODAY IS…Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

It is a “ C “  Day


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 3- Toni

Pd 6- Lydia

Pd 7- Clementine


It isn’t too late to order your copy of the 2025 Yearbook.  Go to www.jostens.com and type in Portville.  If you don’t pre-order, you are not guaranteed a copy.  Any questions, please contact Mrs. Welty. 


Attention Junior Class! There will be a class meeting TODAY during Period X in the Elementary Cafeteria. We will be discussing upcoming events, fundraisers, Prom, etc…Please be there!


Reminder TO ALL Students!  TODAY IS THE LAST DAY !  to buy a CandyGram! We have three pricing options to fit every budget: $1 for a message, $3 for a message and candy, and for the high rollers, $5 gets your recipient a message, candy, and a personal serenade from our cupids, Logan Zeigler or Zya Degolier. Again, Today is the last day….get yours outside of lunch periods.


Attention grades 7-12! The next edition of Culinary Club is coming up! Wednesday, February 19th we will be making cheesecake cupcakes! Sign-up outside Mr. Mitchell’s room fast as space may not last.


There will be a Varsity Track and Field meeting right after school TOMORROW IN the lecture hall. Any athlete that is interested in joining Track and Field please attend the meeting for some fun and new updates/information on the 2025 season. The meeting should be less than 15 minutes. If you have any questions or are unable to attend but are interested, please see Coach Gnan. Hope to see you there!