Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Friday, February 14th, 2025 It is an “ E “ Day |
Chorus lessons today are:
Pd 3- Sopranos
Pd 6- Sadie
Pd 7- Sam
A reminder to all music students who sold pizzas – please be sure to turn in your orders AND money today!
Attention Class of 2026! ……….
If you missed the Junior class meeting, come see Mrs. Kosinski in Room 236 today so she can give you the necessary information and paperwork.
Attention juniors and seniors that attend BOCES: Since BOCES will be on break next week, you must stay here at school during that time at the location specified …. OR …. Report to school for your PCS Classes only and turn in a note from your parent to the office that states you can be dismissed during the time you would be in BOCES. Again you need a note and sign out in office if you are to be dismissed.
Reminder to all students: It isn’t too late to order your copy of the 2025 Yearbook. Go to and type in Portville. If you don’t pre-order, you are not guaranteed a copy. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Welty.
Reminder to students in grades 7-12….The Culinary Club is meeting Wednesday, February 19th…… we will be making cheesecake cupcakes! Sign-up outside Mr. Mitchell’s room fast as space may not last.
Now for your PCS Sports News:
Attention all students – If you plan on playing football, whether it is Modified, JV or Varsity Football – please know that the Weight Room is open for workout sessions Monday through Friday from 6 AM to 7 AM. Remember, by going to lift, you start earning points towards your “Stripe” and the 100 point club!
The 7th grade boys basketball team lost their final game last night to West Valley 20-19. Camden Spagnola had a season high 9 points and did a great job on the boards. John Gray and Marty Leone both chipped in 4 points. Thadon Philips had a great defensive effort! It’s been a pleasure working with you boys!!!
And finally……Come out and show your support tonight as our Boys Volleyball team takes on Wellsville for the league championship. Game starts at 6!