Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Friday, February 21st, 2025 It is a “ C “ Day
Chorus lessons today are: Pd 3- Toni Pd 7- Clementine
Group photos for the yearbook continue today. If you belong to any of these groups, please report to the designated area at the schedule time. There are signs hanging up around the building for students to see as well.
TODAY, the schedule is as follows: Ski Club at 7:45AM, meet near the Panther Pause with your jackets on Academic Club at 2:10PM in library Student Council at 2:20PM in library
Attention Juniors! This is a reminder to bring in your popcorn & chocolate fundraiser forms and money on Monday to Mrs. Kosinski or Mrs. Burke!
Now for your PCS Sports News:
ATTENTION all girls interested in trying out for Modified, JV, or Varsity Softball Sign-Up sheets are posted outside of Coach Torrey’s room (room 232). Stay tuned for upcoming dates and times for tryouts etc.
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Boys…. If you are interested in playing Modified Boys Baseball – please sign up on the Sign-Up sheet posted outside Officer Miller’s office before Friday, February 28th. See Officer Miller with any questions.
Reminder to all students trying out for these upcoming Spring Sports…. you must have an up-to-date physical and completed your Code of Conduct prior to tryouts. If you are in need of a Physical, spring sports Physicals will be taking place on March 5th please see Mrs. Kent to sign up. If you have any questions please see Coach Torrey.
Congratulations to the JV girls basketball team on their incredibly successful season. Last evening they finished with a dominating victory over Franklinville, putting their season record at 16-4. The team includes the following outstanding student athletes. Ella Ziegler, Lauren Lyle, Peyton Rogers, Sophia Milligan, Sophia Miller, Kay Mae Elliott, Arianna Whittaker, Izz Snyder, Ana Haynes, Ava Scanlon, Emily Scanlon, and Quinn Scott. The future is BRIGHT for our lady panther basketball team!!!
The Lady Panthers want to thank the student body for their support on Senior Night last night. We appreciate most of you dressing in maroon and cheering the girls on. With the win, the girls picked up victory #11. Emma Rhinehart had 17 points, 8 rebounds, & 2 steals. Ali Haynes chipped in 6 points, 5 rebounds, 2 steals, and 2 assists, while Ashley Carls also scored 6 points with 2 steals. It is looking like the girls will get a home playoff game on Wednesday of next week. Stay tuned for a theme and we hope to see you there!

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday - 2/21/2025
February 21, 2025