Good Morning Portville Panthers!

TODAY IS…Monday, February 24th, 2025

It is a “ D “  Day


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 2- Myra

Pd 6 – Maci


Attention Junior Class – Your fundraiser order forms and money are due today! Please bring them to Mrs. Kosinski (room 326), or Mrs. Burke, by the end of the day. If you have forgotten your form or have any questions let her know TODAY!


Attention all Freshmen: there will be a class meeting on Wednesday in the High School Cafeteria during period X.


Students and Faculty – Please be advised that this weekend’s PHONE-A-THON has been postponed. 


Attention 7th-12th grade students: This coming Friday, February 28th there will be a hat day! You must pay “one dollar” to participate. Money will be collected during 1st period.


Congratulations to the following students for winning the highest times in Ms. Nolder’s conditioning class plank challenge.  The winning time for the men is held by Elijah Hall with an agonizing 4 minutes and 33 seconds. For the women, Ava Andrews held a 2 minute and 45 second plank. Nice job to all competitors!


Now for your PCS Sports News:


ATTENTION all girls interested in trying out for Modified, JV, or Varsity Softball Sign-Up sheets are posted outside of Coach Torrey’s room (room 232). Stay tuned for upcoming dates and times for tryouts etc.


Attention 7th and 8th Grade Boys…. If you are interested in playing Modified Boys Baseball – please sign up on the Sign-Up sheet posted outside Officer Miller’s office before Friday, February 28th.   See Officer Miller with any questions. 


Reminder to all students trying out for these upcoming Spring Sports…. you must have an up-to-date physical and completed your Code of Conduct prior to tryouts. If you are in need of a Physical, spring sports Physicals will be taking place on March 5th please see Mrs. Kent to sign up. If you have any questions please see Coach Torrey.