Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Thursday, February 27th, 2025 It is an “ A “ Day |
Chorus lessons today are:
Pd 2 -Maddie D
Pd 6- Alivia
2:30 – High School All-County Chorus
Attention band students: all clarinet players have a rehearsal during period 4 today for Moonlight Serenade. All sax players have a rehearsal period 2 today for Night train.
Reminder to students: TOMORROW IS hat day! You must pay “one dollar” to participate. Money will be collected during 1st period.
Today’s Study Center will be held in Room 226 with Mr. Franzen. After School Detention will be in Room 221 with Mrs. McCoy.
ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS AND STAFF – This Saturday, March 1st IS THE PCS WINTER CRAFT SHOW sponsored by the PCS Theatre Boosters. Bring your friends and family to the Obi Church between 11 am to 4 pm and enjoy shopping for handmade items, art, and crafts – not to mention good food and basket raffle. All proceeds benefit the PCS Drama Club upcoming production of Disney’s “Aladdin Jr.” Hope to see you there!
Now for your PCS Sports News:
ATTENTION all girls interested in trying out for Modified, JV, or Varsity Softball Sign-Up sheets are posted outside of Coach Torrey’s room (room 232). Stay tuned for upcoming dates and times for tryouts etc.
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Boys….TOMMOROW IS THE LAST DAY TO SIGN UP..If you are interested in playing Modified Boys Baseball. The Sign-Up sheet posted outside Officer Miller’s office.
Reminder to all students trying out for these upcoming Spring Sports…. you must have an up-to-date physical and completed your Code of Conduct prior to tryouts. If you are in need of a Physical, spring sports Physicals will be taking place on March 5th please see Mrs. Kent to sign up. If you have any questions please see Coach Torrey.
Congratulations to the Lady Panthers for picking up a playoff victory over Cleveland Hill last night. Three different players scored double-digits as Emma Rhinehart led them all with 12 points, 7 assists, and 3 steals. Both Ava Jo Edwards and Addison Isaman each chipped in 11 points. This was a career-high for Isaman as she hit 3 three-pointers as well. Natalie Reynolds had 4 steals and 3 assists. Ali Haynes had 8 points and 5 boards. A special congrats goes out to Lauren Lyle who scored her first Varsity bucket. The girls will travel to Buffalo on Saturday to take on the #1 seed, Riverside. The Lady Panthers would like to thank all of the students who participated in the “Jersey Theme” and supported the girls!