Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Monday, March 10th, 2025 It is a “ B “ Day |
Chorus lessons today are:
Period 5 Alana
Pd 6 Peyton
Pd 9 ALL baritones, altos and Sopranos
Congratulations go out to Jazmyn Clark and Hunter Bilby, who represented Portville at the Alfred State Regional Science Fair on Friday. Jazmyn took first place in her division and was also selected as the Grand Champion of the Fair. Hunter took second place, securing the "one-two" finish for Portville. Way to go Jazz and Hunter!
Attention Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors! The Drama Club is in need of babysitters during our Show Week: March 23-29. Approximately 60 Elementary aged students need to be supervised. You can earn Community Service hours and really help us out! There are up to 20 hours that need to be covered. Please message or stop in Mrs. Maxson’s room for details in how to sign up.
The Student Council is hosting an American Red Cross blood drive this Thursday, March 13th from 8AM until 2PM in the HS Gym. If you donated here back in January, you are not yet eligible to donate, so we need some others to step up. Please see Mrs. Welty to schedule your appointment or send her a TEAMS chat to let her know when you are available. You have to be 16 years old to donate. Please consider helping to save up to three lives with a single donation!
Anyone interested in trying out for JV softball, there will be a meeting Wednesday, March 12th at 2:45 in Mr. Luther's room.
Reminder again to all students…..
Now that the weather is getting better – students are reminded that they must follow the School Student Dress Code by wearing appropriate clothing for the school atmosphere. Please review the dress code posted in the Code of Conduct or check it out on the bulletin board by the high school main office. Thank you!
Also…reminder to ALL STUDENTS: You are not permitted to bring or drink any Energy Drinks, Monster Drinks, Soda-Pops, Gatorade, Juices, etc. to classes. You are only permitted to have and consume water while in classes.