Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Friday, October 29th, 2021 It is an “A” Day
The library is closed Periods 1 and 2 today.
Chorus lessons today are: Period 7L : Milly and Hailey
The National Honor Society will be holding its annual canned food drive starting today, November 1, and we will be collecting until Friday, November 19. Please bring any non-perishable food item to your homeroom teacher in the elementary or any high school classroom. Thank you for supporting the Portville food bank!
Modified Girls Basketball starts TODAY. Practice will be in the south gym from 2:45-5:00.
Reminder to PCS Athletes. The Morning Weight room challenge is on. The challenge is to make improvements in your Bench and Squat exercises. The athlete or athletes that attend morning weight room and make the most gains in their Bench Press and Squat during the month of November will be awarded prizes. The challenge begins Monday November 1st and ends on November 29th. Time to challenge yourself. There will also be awards for anyone with perfect attendance through the month of November. Weight room is from 6-7am Monday through Thursday. Please see Coach Milne with any questions. Hope to see you there.
All Modified wrestlers practice begins Monday right after school. Meet in Coach Milne's Room at 2:35 with gear ready to practice. If you have any questions please see Coach Milne or Burlingame. Let's go Portville.
Reminder that the American Red Cross is coming to PCS for a Blood Drive on Tuesday, November 2nd from 8AM to 2PM in the High School Gym. Please see Mrs. Welty to get the proper paperwork and get signed up.
This Saturday Oct. 30th, Portville Central School is sending our GameDay cheerleaders to States. If you happen to see Caroline Todd, Danni Chudy, Alisha Dickerson, Taylor Chamberlain, Emily Scull, Panya Cammeyer, Demi Chudy, Kerri Rocheleau, Isabel Laurich, and Nataeh Richardson, please wish them GOOD LUCK. This new division takes the current Game Day Competition format – Band Chant, Situational Sideline, Crowd Leading Cheer and Fight Song – to the next level. They’re given 3 minutes to perform. Making sure their motion techniques are sharp and synchronized, that they are able to execute their stunts with stability, that they utilize spacing and watch for skill restrictions. While making the overall impression entertaining. Good luck this weekend ladies! |

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Friday - 10/29/2021
October 29, 2021