Good Morning Portville Panthers!
TODAY IS… Wednesday, December 1, 2021 It is a “ B ” Day
Chorus lessons today are:
Pd 5- Gabe
Pd 9 Baritones
There will be a Drama Club meeting today after school. Audition information for the Spring Musical will be handed out and other business will be discussed. Current members and anyone wanting to join, please attend!
Auditions for the Spring musical – Mary Poppins Jr. will be held on Tuesday, December 7 afterschool. You must prepare for the auditions – what you need will be handed out at the December 1st meeting!
Now for some Sports News!
The modified girls basketball team lost a close game last night to Randolph 24-18.
Addison Isaman led the girls with 6 points. Bella Morales had 4 and Lauren Lyle, Maddison Faulkner and Al Stuck each added 2 points.
Nice work girls. Next game is Thursday at Olean.
Once again – While in this building, Everyone MUST WEAR A MASK. To protect yourself and others around you, make sure you wear your mask snug covering both your nose and mouth. Thank you.