Good Morning Portville Panthers!
TODAY IS…Wednesday, December 15TH, 2021 It is an “ F ” Day |
Tomorrow’s Holiday Spirit Wear is: Throwback Thursday – Dress as your favorite Christmas or Winter Character! Remember…..what you wear to school must follow the PCS Dress Code.
Chorus lessons today are:
Pd 1- Emilie E
Pd 6- James
Pd 7- Toni
After school - Carli
Attention ALL Chorus members – we are recording in the library today! Be sure to be in your concert clothes when you report to the library!
Again..Reminder to all students.. that Progress Reports are due THIS FRIDAY. So if you owe any work to your teachers – Don’t wait… make sure you complete work due now and get it turned in to your teachers. Do Not End up on the Ineligibility List.