Good Morning Portville Panthers!
TODAY IS…Wednesday, June 1st, 2022 It is a “ D “ Day |
Tomorrow’s Spirit Wear Theme is “BBQ Dad and Soccer Mom” ….Dress as though you are a Dad cooking for a picnic or a Mom traveling to support your kids soccer game. Feel free to use accessories and props.”….and as always FOLLOW the dress code.
Tonight is the final concert of the year. Come hear the Junior High and High School Chorus sing their first live concert in over 2 years! There are 5 seniors who will sing their last PCS concert – Lydia Szymanski, Brenton Gagliardo, Gabe Breazeale, Nikki Hepker, and Caroline Todd. Don’t miss it!
The rain date for the Bison's game is June 11th. Everyone that went to the previous game will need to come pick up a new permission slip and have it signed and returned by June 9th. There are currently 9 extra tickets for anyone interested in going. First come first serve!! By the way – the Baseball game will be a STAR WARS themed night for all to enjoy.
Study Center will be held with Mr. Brennan in Room 224.
Reminder for Mr. Backus' phys. Ed. Classes report to the South Gym for the remainder of the year.
ATTENTION Varsity Athletes: The Sports Banquet is in person this year. It is next Thursday, June 9th at Good Times starting at 6:00pm. You must get your tickets from Mrs. Colligan this week! Your parents can buy their tickets in the main office this week. Again, the Sports Banquet is in person and you must get your tickets if you were on a varsity team this week from Mrs. Colligan.