Good Morning Portville Panthers! TODAY IS…Thursday, November 17th, 2022 It is a “ C “ Day
Chorus lessons today are: Pd 3- Annaelise Pd 5 -Kerri Pd 7- Zionea Pd 8- Skie 2:30- Carli 3:00 -Clementine
Band lessons today are: Period 1: Amelia Period 2: Lucas Period 3: Shane Period 5: Chris Period 7: Davin
Don’t forget to get your tickets!...for the PCS Drama Club play "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" play starts tomorrow and will be on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are on sale online or by stopping into Mrs. Maxson's room 120. Be there to see the Headless Horseman ride again!
The next Gamer’s Club gathering is tomorrow beginning at 2:45 in the High School Library. Anyone interested should stop by the Technology Office, room 210 for more information.
Chef 1, 2 Chef 1,2. Back by popular demand! (pause) From the steppes of Central Asia! (pause) A Culinary Club favorite! (pause) Mongolian Beef! Monday November 28th Culinary Club. Sign up today!
Attention Crafty students: Do you like to scrapbook or journal? Are you interested in ways to recycle and repurpose everyday objects? On November 30 after school, we will be making our very own eco journals, a journal created out of recyclable objects and papers. Use it as a gratitude journal, a place to put your thoughts or dreams. Sign up is outside the office. See Ms. Nolder for details.
If you'd love to spend the afternoon of Nov. 29th bowling with friends, please sign up outside of Miss Giardini's classroom. The last day to sign up will be Tuesday, November 22nd. Everyone will enjoy two games, shoe rentals and pizza and a drink! Grab a friend and sign up today!! There will be a permission slip that you'll need to return to attend, and the max is 35 students!!
There will be an international club meeting during period X today in the HS library for anyone enrolled or planning to travel to Costa Rica on our 2024 trip. Come with a laptop ready to play some trivia for prizes and get excited to hear about some updates on our trip.
LAST REMINDER TO all students and teachers: the NHS canned food drive ends tomorrow….. Please bring in your donation of non-perishable food items to teachers' classrooms.
Our volleyball team will be heading to states on Friday to hopefully capture another State Title. If they make it to the championship game on Sunday, that game will be streamed here at school in the health room 124. The game is scheduled for noon. The gym lobby doors will be open for you to enter the building.

ANNOUNCEMENTS - Thursday - 11/17/2022
November 17, 2022