Good Morning Portville Panthers!

 TODAY IS…Monday, January 9th, 2023                                                              It is an “ F “  Day

Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 2 Mackenzie R

2:30- Mitch

3:00- Sam


Reminder to all 8th grade students: You will be eating lunch 5th period today before your BOCES field trip. 


Don’t forget The Wellsville Creative Arts Center is beginning sign- ups for our Winter Session of Art:360!   The Dates are January 17- March 14 and will be at the Wellsville Create Arts Center on Tuesday evenings from 6 to 7:30.  Please see Mrs. Van Curen  to sign up for choice of class Choice (Pottery, Cooking, Drawing, Coffee Making and Macrame)  and flyer information.


On Saturday, the Panther Wrestling team took the long trip to Red Jacket High School. The team placed 7th overall. Placing second for the panthers were Hayden Emley at 172 pounds and Henry Chamberlain at 215 pounds. Also placing 4th was Mekhi Muhyee at 118 pounds. Great job Panthers. Let's get back to work. 


Congratulations to the indoor track athletes that competed over the weekend at Buffalo State. The 4 by 400 relay team placed first with both Jessica Daley and Julia Wyant on the team. Jenna Wyant placed third in the 300 meter dash and in the 4 by 200 meter relay; Jessica Daley was also a part of the 4 by 200 meter relay team. Last, but not least, Sam Bray was a part of the 4 by 800 meter relay team that placed 4th. The girls travel to compete at Houghton College on Saturday.