Laptops and Books - There are students that need laptops or books out of their lockers. If you are NOT under quarantine you may come to the school to get what is needed. All students must come to the Main Entrance to get a temperature check, and then we will let you proceed to your locker. Students that are quarantined can contact the Main Office and we will get everything you need out of your locker. We will place it in the Main Office for a family member to pick up.
about 4 years ago, Larry Welty
IMPORTANT UPDATE As you know, Portville Central School was advised by the Cattaraugus County Health Department last evening that a student in the Jr.-Sr. High School tested positive for coronavirus. They are conducting contact tracing and will contact anyone at high risk of exposure that is required to quarantine. Please note that if they are unable to reach you directly, they will leave a voicemail stating that your son/daughter would need to be placed in quarantine. Please keep in mind that the Health Department has considered all students to be at low risk, if any, for contracting Covid-19 due to this specific incident, but YOU should always monitor for symptoms. If you are contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department (or Allegany County Health Department depending on your county of residence,) please follow their recommendations. Again, if you have not been contacted, you should continue on as normal and monitor symptoms. There is no need to report that you are a contact of a contact of a COVID positive person. In the meantime, the Cattaraugus County Health Department, in coordination with a special school contact tracing task force at the state level, has informed us that a significant number of teachers and students will be directed to quarantine due to being in contact with this student who tested positive for coronavirus. Unfortunately, in order to maintain in-person learning as we have been, we would need substitutes to fill in for those teachers who have been required to quarantine, and we simply do not have enough substitutes to fulfill this need. Several of those teachers overlap into multiple grade levels which is why the entire 7-12 is being impacted. Therefore, all students in grades 7-12 will continue to be taught remotely at home under their normal schedule until Monday, November 2, 2020. Students who attend CTE classes at BOCES who are NOT under quarantine will continue to attend classes at the Olean BOCES Center with transportation being provided by the district. Students who participate in athletics who are NOT under quarantine will continue to practice as scheduled and play in regularly-scheduled games. Those students will have to provide their own transportation to practices. If your child does not have access to get online at home, and is not under quarantine, we will have a place at school for them to work. Transportation for those students will be provided. Contact the main office by email at or call 716-933-6005 to make a request that your child come to school daily to attend classes virtually due to lack of internet access at home. Please keep in mind that there is no productive role for the public or school personnel to speculate, guess, or self-analyze how decisions are made around who, in your opinions, is at risk, who is quarantined/isolated and why, etc. As was stated in the first paragraph of this release, this work is done by a special school contact tracing task force at the state level in coordination with the Cattaraugus County Health Department. We are following their recommendations.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
JR.-SR. HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING CLOSED TOMORROW The Portville Central School District has been informed that a student in the Portville Jr.-Sr. High School has tested positive for COVID-19. SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2020, FOR STUDENTS IN GRADES 6-12 ONLY. We will plan to return to in-person school on Wednesday, October 21, 2020. Students in grades 6-12 will be expected to join their classes online tomorrow. BOCES CTE students are NOT to report to the BOCES Center for classes tomorrow. The Cattaraugus County Health Department conducts contact tracing and will contact anyone at high risk of exposure. If you are contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department, please follow their recommendations. If you are not contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department, you are considered to be at low risk, if any, for contracting COVID-19 but should always monitor for symptoms. The high school building will be deep cleaned tomorrow. We will continue to practice masking, spacing and hygiene practices when we resume classes on Wednesday. The Portville Central School District and Cattaraugus County Health Department appreciate your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. While we understand that you may feel the need to comment and ask questions, no comments or questions will be acknowledged on this Facebook post. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
PCS playground is getting updated! Oct. 16, 2020
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The Portville Central School District has been informed that a staff member of the Portville Central School District has tested positive for COVID-19. SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 2020, AND FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020. We will plan to return to in-person school on Tuesday, October 13, 2020, as Monday is a holiday. Students will be expected to join their classes online tomorrow and Friday. BOCES STUDENTS SHOULD NOT REPORT TO BOCES. The Cattaraugus County Health Department conducts contact tracing and will contact anyone at high risk of exposure. If you are contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department, please follow their recommendations. If you are not contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department, you are considered to be at low risk, if any, for contracting Covid-19 but should always monitor for symptoms. At this point, there is no evidence that theCOVID-19 transmission is occurring at school. We will continue to practice masking, spacing and hygiene practices when we resume classes on Tuesday. The Portville Central School District and Cattaraugus County Health Department appreciate your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. You may contact the Cattaraugus County Health Department if you have any specific questions. While we understand that you may feel the need to comment and ask questions, no comments or questions will be acknowledged on the Facebook post. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Bucket Fillers for the week of September 28!
over 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
Bucket Fillers for the week of September 21st!
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Bucket fillers
ELEMENTARY PICTURE DAY - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18! Students in grades PK-6 will have their pictures taken on Friday in the Elementary Gym. Order forms were given to elementary teachers on Monday. It is requested by Inter-State, the company who takes the pictures, that parents do the ordering ONLINE instead of sending in the envelopes with payment. The code to use (if your child is in grades PK-K) is 50998XB. This code can also be found on the order form that your child was given to bring home. Say Cheese!!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
JR.-SR. HIGH PICTURE DAY - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16! Students in grades 7-11 will have their pictures taken on Wednesday in the Wrestling Room. English teachers were given order forms to pass out to their classes in grades 7th through 11th. It is requested by Inter-State, the company who takes the pictures, that parents do the ordering ONLINE instead of sending in the envelopes with payment. The code to use (if your child is in grades 7-11) is 50738ZB. This code can also be found on the order form that your child was given to bring home. Say Cheese!!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH We are pleased to announce that through the Federal Child Nutrition Program we are eligible to extend the free lunch and breakfast program until the end of December. All students enrolled in Portville Central School are eligible daily for one free breakfast and one free lunch! It should be noted that all students still need to pay for extra meals/items.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Portville School Taxes may be paid in person at the Five Star Auto Branch Drive Thru Only on the corner of 1st and West State Streets. The North Union Branch has been closed. Payments may also be mailed to: Portville CSD, c/o Five Star Bank, PO Box 177, Warsaw, NY 14569
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
As part of our reopening plan, all employees and STUDENTS are REQUIRED to take their temperatures and symptom-check prior to coming to school. We’ve created an online questionnaire for everyone to use and report the results of their home screening. Please note this does NOT replace the temperature check at the entrance of the buildings each day. You can find the online questionnaire on our website ( and/or on the school app. Look for Covid Screening in the menu (above Live Feed) and click on that. First time users will need to register. Simply fill out the fields and click “save” (be sure to enter the correct school district). A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provide. At this time, you’ll need to fill out a registration for each student in your household (we’re currently working with CABOCES to change that and apologize for the inconvenience). Once registered, you’ll be able to log-in and answer these 6 questions daily by simply clicking yes or no: - Have you or your child experienced any COVID-19 symptoms in the past 14 days? -Have you or your child had a positive COVID-19 test in the past 14 days? -Have you/your child had close contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case in the past 14 days? -Have you/your child traveled to and returned from a state with significant community transmission of COVID-19, as defined by NYS DOH, in the past 14 days? -Have you/your child had your temperature taken today? -If you have take your child's temperature today, was it over 100? Thank you for your cooperation in completing and submitting this online form daily.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Morning Announcements: Opening Day- September 9, 2020
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
First Day of School: Welcome back! Each morning, students in grades 7-12 will be able to enter the high school building in three locations. The available entrances are: main office entrance, auditorium entrance, and the senior hallway/bus garage entrance. The gym lobby entrance will be off limits due to Panther Pause serving breakfast. School doors will not open until 8:55AM. Please, do not have students arrive earlier, as we won't have personnel available to temperature check and hand out masks until 8:55. Thank You!
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Parents/Guardians: Please remember if you travel to any of the restricted states established by NYS Governor Cuomo, you must self-quarantine for 14 days once you leave the restricted state and return to New York State. This means your child may NOT return to school until after your quarantine period. Just like any other absence from school, the nurse will need to be notified that your child will not be in attendance at school for two weeks.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
7TH GRADE ORIENTATION - AUGUST 31st All seventh grade parents should have received a letter by now regarding Monday's Orientation. Please double check the time slot your child was assigned to and make sure your child arrives at the scheduled time. Please drop your child off at the main entrance of the school where they will be temperature checked and social distancing protocols will be followed. THIS IS FOR STUDENTS ONLY. Your child will bring home a folder with important information for parents such as schedules and how to log on to the parent portal. We look forward to seeing you on Monday.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Schedule Letter To Parents
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Elementary opening information and Den letters have been sent out in the mail. Keep an eye on your mail box the next few days!!
over 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
September Menu
over 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
Below is a link to Frequently Asked Questions concerning the reopening on September 9th, 2020. Remember, all questions may be addressed to the special email at school which is
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon