Fall sports are right around the corner! Sports physicals are tomorrow (Wednesday) from 8am-12pm in the nurse's office. Make sure your athlete has the filled out physical form with them. Forms can be found on the school website or in the high school main office.
Also, the link for the conduct of conduct is up and working! Athletes need to fill this out before the first day of practice!
Due to the forecast, we have moved summer recreation inside.
For students attending the Summer Recreation Program with library books from the Portville Public Library - Tomorrow is our last Library Day with Mrs. Branch. If you borrowed a book from the library, please remember to bring it back tomorrow. The library also has a drop off bin on Temple Street.
Fall sports are right around the corner! Sports physicals are next Wednesday from 8am-12pm in the nurse's office. Make sure your athlete has the filled out physical form with them. Forms can be found on the school website or in the high school main office.
Also, the link for the conduct of conduct is up and working! Athletes need to fill this out before the first day of practice!
Due to the storms, summer rec has moved inside for the remainder of the day. Students are eating lunch now in our cafeteria. Most students brought swim items for a planned water day outside. Those students will swim shortly after lunch. Students not swimming will remain in the cafeteria.
PK-6 Welcome Back Picnic - Save the Date
PK-6 Classroom Teacher Notification Letters
Please see the message below about school supplies.
2024 District Safety Plan.
There will be a public meeting at 6:30p.m. on August 19th, 2024 in the Board of Education Room.
2024 District Safety Plan Link: https://5il.co/2r8g1
Calling all PCS Alums and community members… Our HIGH ROPES COURSE, located at the top of Frair’s Forest behind the school will be open for climbing on Saturday, July 13th from 1-4pm.
This event is FREE to the public. Climbers must be in a minimum of 7th grade and the weight limit is 250 lbs.
Follow the walking path under the Pierson Challenge
Course sign to the top! We’ll be waiting for you!
Questions may be directed to Elizabeth Kessler-Colligan @
Please see the attached elementary job postings for the 2024-2025 school year.
Pre K Registration Deadline
Here are important Fall Sports dates! If you have any questions, please contact Beth Colligan, Athletic Director
We have posted our school supply lists on our website:
https://portvilleny.sites.thrillshare.com/documents/elementary-school-supply-lists-2024-2025/348895 or
Tonight's PCS graduation ceremony will be live streamed:
Coverage will begin at 7:27 pm
We have completed registration for summer Outside the School Day activities. There are some events with low registration that we are re-opening in hopes of getting a few more students to avoid canceling the events. We have re-opened registration for the events listed below from now until July 8th. Please call the office with any questions. Thank you!
Corning Glass Museum – Thursday, July 11th – 8:15am – 2pm, (Grades 3-6 only) – https://forms.office.com/r/BZdra5zcxG
Pokémon Trading – Wednesday, July 17th – 10am – 11:30am (Grades 1-3) - https://forms.office.com/r/0FAjyjBzqr
Pokémon Trading – Wednesday, July 17th – 12:30pm – 2pm (Grades 4-6) - https://forms.office.com/r/y8EQGEERza
Genesee Village Country Museum – Wednesday, July 31st – 7:30am – 6pm, (Grades 4-6 only) – https://forms.office.com/r/ZgZYaX5TQz
Darwin Martin House Tour – Friday, August 16th – 8am – 3pm, (Grades 3-6 only) – https://forms.office.com/r/6iwedn7af5
Half Days on Monday and Tuesday
No School This Wednesday
Elementary Field Day - Tuesday June 18
REMINDER - To sixth grade families - our sixth graders will be returning from camp today around 1:00pm. We will do an update to families when we hear our busses are passing Salamanca. Families should plan to pick up their students and their belongings in our South Gym. Families should sign out their child in the South Gym with their teacher. Please use our main office doors at the elementary school enter the school and then head to the South Gym. Thank you all and we know our Ecology Campers can not wait to tell you all about their week!