Kindergarten ABC Boot Camp Celebration!
What a great day for climbing!
More cool pictures from today’s senior class’s climbing adventures!
Members of the senior class spent time on the Pierson Challenge Course today! 🍁☀️
This morning we took part in a Lock Down Drill for grades 7-12. The drill is part of our District Safety Plan. Thank you for your understanding as we stay committed to keeping our students safe in the event of an emergency!
The drill is over and we are resuming our school day as usual.
We are doing a lockdown drill in the Middle/High School. It will only last a few minutes. It is just a drill!
Ali and Olivia made this awesome banner for their display at the Arts and Antiques show
Sr. Financial Aid Meeting will be Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30 PM in the John Dubots Room. Refreshments provided
Students spent the day at Dresser Rand, Mazza’s, MIT @ JCC, and St. Bonaventure!
Portville Elementary has a half day on Friday, October 4th with dismissal starting at approximately 11:00am. We will also be running a Lock-Down Drill on Friday morning as part of our District Safety plan. Teachers will be discussing the drill with our students beforehand. Thank you for your understanding as we need to be diligent in making sure everyone is prepared in case of emergencies.
😃The Morning Crew!!😃
Mr. Brennan and Mr. Milne preparing for Chicken BBQ!
Motivational Speaker- Richie Contartesi at PCS!
2nd Annual PCS Drama Club & Theatre Boosters Haunted House is coming up!
NYC Skyline
Hello Portville, live from The Today Show studio in Rockefeller Plaza!
Former Portville Central volleyball star, Haley Unverdorben, achieved a milestone 1,000 career assists for Houghton College today! Congratulations, Haley! PCS is proud of you!
Look what I found on the the streets of NYC