Grades 7-12 - Friday, January 22nd was a scheduled half day for students in grades 7-12. The half day will be changed to a Remote-Virtual Learning Day. On Friday, January 22nd students will learn remotely from home. This is also the last day of the 2nd Marking Period. Students will be able to use class time to send teachers any late work, and to receive one on one help from teachers if needed.
almost 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Third Grade Quarantine Update: We have been advised by the health department that third grade students should remain home and continue with remote learning through January 15, 2021. Third graders currently in remote learning due to recent quarantine will return to in person learning on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, as Monday, January 18th is a holiday. As always, thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
PCS Bucket Fillers for the week of January 4th!
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
The Portville Central School District has been informed that an elementary staff member at Portville Central School District has tested positive for COVID-19. All third grade students should remain home tomorrow, January 8th, and should plan on attending school virtually through the Seesaw app. This is being done out of precaution by the district, as we await word from New York State school contact-tracers to inform us how to proceed. At this point, there is no evidence that COVID-19 transmission is occurring at school. We will continue to practice masking, spacing, and hygiene practices. The Portville Central School District and Cattaraugus County Health Department appreciate your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
The PCS Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, January 5, 2021, has been cancelled. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 19, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
December 29, 2020 PCS Families: We encourage you to return your PCS Consent for Child’s Covid 19 Testing by Parent/Legal Guardian permission form to school as we may need the participation to continue with in-person learning. If you were planning to allow your child(ren) to participate in the testing, please return the permission form with your child when we return to school on Monday, January 4th. The original documents detailing the potential need for testing are linked below. Please contact the elementary or high school office if you have questions. Thanks for your support of Portville Central School!
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
The PCS National Honor Society is running a drive-thru can drive tomorrow at the Portville Presbyterian Church from 10am-12. Pull around back with your canned goods, pop your trunk, and our NHS students will come get your donation. Please help fill our local food pantry, which will help our local families through this difficult time.
about 4 years ago, Larry Welty
The PCS National Honor Society is running a drive-thru can drive tomorrow at the Portville Presbyterian Church from 10 AM - 12 PM.   Pull around back with your canned goods, pop your trunk, and our NHS students will come get your donation.  Please help fill our local food pantry, which will help our local families through this difficult time.
Bucket Fillers for the week of December 14th
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Junior and Senior BOCES Students - On Monday and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd there are no elementary bus runs. This means that Boces students do not have the option of riding into school on the elementary bus run and then getting transported to and from Boces. Students in 11th or 12 grade Boces can: 1. Learn remotely on Monday and Tuesday or 2. Find their own transportation to and from Boces. Thank You!
about 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Christmas Cheer!!
about 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
LUNCH AND BREAKFAST AVAILABLE FOR 7-12 GRADERS CURRENTLY IN REMOTE LEARNING!! For 7-12th grade students in remote learning today through Friday. If you are interested in picking up lunch for your child(ren), please contact Paula Brooks via email at or by calling 933-6763 as soon as possible so that we have ample time to have your meal prepared. Lunch may be picked up at the loading dock at the back of the high school between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. Lunch choices are as follows: Today: Pulled Pork Sandwich Wednesday: Spaghetti Thursday: Pizza Friday: Hot Dogs
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Students in grades 7-12 will be fully remote starting Monday, December 14th. They will return to in-person learning on January 4th, following the holiday break. A large number of students and staff have been quarantined at the 7-12 level anytime we have a positive case; this has become a greater and greater concern heading into the holidays. We regret even having to consider this given the low number of positive cases the district has experienced (4 student cases in the 7-12 building since September - none of which resulted from, nor was caused by, any spread in the 7-12 building). Additionally, we are seeing more and more staff and teachers having to be quarantined due to exposure outside of the school building. This, too, is causing a hardship due to lack of substitutes. PreK- 6th Grade will continue to go to school IN PERSON through December 18th, but will be remote on the 21st and 22nd. We will be asking all students in the elementary to wear their masks as much as they can tolerate next week to add an additional layer of precaution. We have made the decision to keep the elementary in person because it is much more challenging to provide remote learning at that level, daycare can be an immeasurable burden on families heading into the holidays, and the use of the Dens has an immense impact on limiting potential exposure. It should be noted, we have only had one positive case (resulting from exposure outside of school) since September in the elementary student body that resulted in no other students being quarantined. All students in grades 7-12 will continue to be taught remotely at home under their normal schedule until Tuesday, December 22. Students who attend CTE classes at BOCES can continue to attend classes at the Olean BOCES Center with transportation being provided by the district. If your child does not have access to get online at home, and is not under quarantine, we will have a place at school for them to work. Transportation for those students will be provided. Contact the main office by email at or call 716-933-6005 to make a request that your child come to school daily to attend classes virtually due to lack of internet access at home. We really appreciate everyone's patience and understanding as we continue to try to do what is best for our students and their families.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Bucket Fillers. Week of December 7, 2020
about 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
Fun in Kindergarten building a city!!
about 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
Bucket Fillers. Week of November 30!
about 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
The Portville Central School District has been informed by the Cattaraugus County Health Department that a high school student at Portville Central School District has tested positive for COVID-19. This student had limited contact with other students. Those who will be quarantined by Cattaraugus County Health Department have already been notified by Portville Central School District. Other than those students contacted, in person school will continue as usual. The Cattaraugus County Health Department conducts contact tracing and will contact anyone at high risk of exposure. If you are contacted by the Health Department, please follow their recommendations. If you are not contacted by the Cattaraugus County Health Department, you are considered to be at low risk, if any, for contracting Covid-19, but should always monitor for symptoms. At this point, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 transmission is occurring at school. We will continue to practice masking, spacing, and hygiene practices. The Portville Central School District and Cattaraugus County Health Department appreciate your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 4 years ago, Tom Simon
LUNCH AND BREAKFAST AVAILABLE FOR 7-12 GRADERS CURRENTLY IN REMOTE LEARNING TODAY AND MONDAY!! For 7-12th grade students in remote learning today and Monday due to recent circumstances, you are welcome to contact our Cafeteria Manager, Paula Brooks, to make arrangements to pick up lunch today and Monday. If you are interested in picking up lunch for your child, please contact Paula Brooks via email at or by calling 933-6763 as soon as possible so that we have ample time to have your meal prepared. Lunch may be picked up at the loading dock at the back of the high school between the hours of 10:30 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
PCS Bucket Fillers for the week of November 16th!
about 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
BOCES - Students in 11th and 12th grade that attend Boces will not attend in person on Friday, November 20th. As mentioned before, you have the option to attend Boces in person or learn virtually on Monday, November 23rd and Tuesday, November 24th.
about 4 years ago, Larry Welty
The Portville Central School District has been informed by the Allegany County Health Department that a high school level student at Portville Central School District has tested positive for COVID-19. We have made the decision that all students in 7-12 grade are not to report to school tomorrow, Friday, November 20th. All students will be expected to join their regularly-scheduled classes online tomorrow. The Allegany County Health Department has asked the district to do the contact tracing for this student, and this will begin this evening. If you are not contacted by the school, you are considered to be at low risk, if any, for contracting Covid-19, but should always monitor for symptoms. At this point, there is no evidence that the COVID-19 transmission is occurring at school. We will continue to practice masking, spacing, and hygiene practices when we return to in-person school on Monday, November 30th. The Portville Central School District and Allegany County Health Department appreciate your help to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Just as a reminder, ALL STUDENTS in 7-12 will be attending classes virtually tomorrow, Monday, November 23rd, and Tuesday November 24th. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
about 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon