Portville Free Library Summer Program Flyer: https://5il.co/h23a
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
9th and 10th grade can pick up locker belongings and drop off textbooks/calculators today until 3:00.
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Elementary End of Year Slide Show: https://youtu.be/8xg6yfDiA9M
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Free Produce Giveaway: June 10th (See attached Flyer) https://5il.co/h0yv
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
PCS Meal Delivery Update: At this time, meal deliveries will continue throughout the District through Thursday, June 25th. For the weeks of June 15th and 22nd, meals will be delivered Monday through Thursday only (Thursday’s delivery will be larger).
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Elementary Awards Celebration (Grades 4th-6th): https://youtu.be/edkivVTUswU
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
A reminder that all 7th and 8th graders should drop off textbooks and pickup locker belongings today from 7:30 to 3:00.
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Due to the Governor’s latest Executive Order, the Board of Education election and budget vote has been changed to June 16th. As such, the June 9th board meeting has been rescheduled to June 16th as well.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
A reminder for Juniors and Seniors that you may pick up your locker belongings and drop off textbooks tomorrow (6/08) in the bus circle. Seniors should return their laptops, pickup caps and gowns, and receive parking passes for graduation. You may come anytime between 7:30 AM and 3:00 PM.
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Graduation Announcement 2020 https://5il.co/gy74
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
PCS Field Day- A Message From Your Biggest Fans: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_iNcwhnAdoM&t=28s
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Mr. Simon has a video message updating the community on three areas of continued interest: the budget and looming state aid cuts, graduation, and summer activities. You can find it under the NEWS heading on the website you will also find advocacy letters under the NEWS heading of the website to advocate for federal assistance for schools to offset the pending state aid cuts.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT: If you have not taken the time to complete the Census, please take some time to complete it. The Census is used to determine how much aid that the school district and local municipalities receives. Under reporting really hurts us! You can complete it online, it takes about 5-10 minutes. Please go to https://www.census.gov/ COMPLETE THE CENSUS - DO IT FOR YOUR COMMUNITY!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
The June 2nd Board of Education meeting has rescheduled to June 9th at 7:00 p.m.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
INTRODUCING THE CLASS OF 2020's VALEDICTORIAN AND SALUTATORIAN Portville Central School has announced Shayla Elizabeth Wilhelm as the valedictorian and Emily Elizabeth Griffith as the salutatorian for the graduating Class of 2020. Shayla, the daughter of Adam and Ginny Wilhelm, has achieved an overall weighted average of 100.26. She will graduate with a Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors and Mastery in Mathematics and Science. She has been actively involved in multiple clubs and organizations. She is a member of the International Club, Physics Club, as well as the National Honor Society and Spanish Club, both of which she was named president her senior year. She is active in concert band, jazz band, and is the choir accompanist. She has been selected to the Buffalo State College honors band, as well as all-county and area all-state for band. Athletically, Shayla participated in volleyball, basketball, and golf and has been a state champion in volleyball on two occasions. She has been recognized as a scholar-athlete in each of her sports and was named an All-WNY Scholar Athlete for volleyball. This year she was selected to play in the Big 30 Senior Basketball Classic. Shayla has received many honors during high school. They include the grand prizewinner at St. Bonaventure Twin Tiers Regional Science Fair and the Alfred State College Science and Engineering Fair her junior year, as well as the Ernston’s Make a Difference Award at the SBU Science Fair as a sophomore. Other academic awards include the University of Rochester Bausch and Lomb Honorary Science Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Medal for outstanding achievement in math and science, Penn York American Chemical Society Award, and the Angelo Melaro Writing Contest (Author Award as junior and Winner as a senior). As an International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) finalist, Shayla earned a full tuition scholarship to attend Florida Institute of Technology. She will pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering and join the women’s rowing/crew team. Emily, the daughter of Mark and Betsy Griffith has achieved an overall weighted average of 97.07. She will graduate with a Regents diploma with Advanced Designation with Honors and Mastery in Science. She has been a member of the National Honor Society, Academic Club, Physics Club, Donate Life Club, and is the current treasurer of the Art Society. She is active in chorus and was the treasurer as a sophomore and vice president as a junior. She was selected to all-county the past three years and was also a member of the area all-state choir. Emily directs and oversees the high school morning announcements each day, as well as volunteers as a junior high orientation mentor. She has also volunteered at the Art and Antique Show at school, Hour of Code, and Tech Unleashed. Emily’s academic honors include the University of Rochester Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology and the Alfred State College Distinguished Scholar Excellence in Education Scholarship. She also earned perfect attendance as a freshman and a junior. In the fall, Emily plans to attend Alfred State College to pursue a Bachelor of Science degree in graphic and media design. Congratulations, Shayla and Emily!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Shayla Wilhelm
Emily Griffith
2020 YEARBOOK UPDATE: Yearbooks were scheduled to be delivered the beginning of June. With the events of the past couple of months, they are obviously delayed. Once they arrive, Mrs. Welty will let people know as to how the distribution of them will occur. Until then, please be patient. If you have any questions, you can email her at iwelty@portvillecsd.org.
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Locker Clean Out and Return of Textbooks 7-12 https://5il.co/grdk
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
LOOKING FOR COMMUNITY SUPPORT: If you have not completed the Census, please take some time to complete it. The Census is used to determine how much aid that the school district and local municipalities receives. Under-reporting really hurts us! You can complete it online; it takes about 5-10 minutes. Please go to https://www.census.gov/ COMPLETE THE CENSUS - DO IT FOR YOUR COMMUNITY!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Graduation: Seniors and Parents Seniors and Parents, Thank you for your patience as we continue to prepare for the Class of 2020 Commencement Exercises. We would love to give you a concrete date and time for the graduation ceremony, so everyone could plan accordingly. We are currently waiting for the Governor’s Office to ease restrictions centered around public schools. As soon as a decision can be made we will notify you right away. Once again, thank you for your patience and support!
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
The last day of instruction for students will be June 11, 2020. Thank you, students and parents for your unending support, patience and hard work for the past 3 months!!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon